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S​he is... “an aspiring entrepreneur based in Paris but originally from Germany with Russian background.” Founder and Designer of the fashion brand Attire The Studio, Xenia lunched a second collection during Paris Fashion Week in October, based on the four pillars of her brand: transparency, sustainability, ethical production and quality & design, principles which resonate with STATEMENT values.


T​he biggest or most important fight you had in your life?

Standing up for myself, setting boundaries, falling down 99 times, standing up 100 times!


A​ren’t we all a mix of shadows and lights? What are yours?

Sure am, but don’t forget - there is never a shadow without light, no happiness without pain, so ‘the other side’ is not necessarily a bad thing.


T​he moment you reveal your strength the more vividly?

I think true strength comes from being soft. It sounds very cliché but softness gives you the agility to master everything. Think of water and stones - water can wash mountains away over time.


E​veryone has a conviction, a statement guiding our path, what is yours?

Everything you need is within you.


M​ind Upload is the beginning of our heroine’s story. If you could augment yourself, what personal abilities would you expand?

I would love to be a superfast learner.


E​ncountering a magic wand, how do you redesign your future and ours, do you even use it?

I am excited for the future but I would not want to see ahead - I don’t want to miss out on the journey forward.


N​ever renounce to: What would you say to your best friend or child?

Pleasures in life! To quote Emily in Paris: Who are we in life without pleasures? Germans!


T​he best…

My self-development and continuous journey to becoming a better human being.

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